Because in order to village, and village is a verb, we are going to have to unlearn denatured ways of being, knowing, and relating, with which we have been infected by modernity.

Our firm contention is that the fullest expressions of human potential requires a village. A village is, in fact, the proper unit of human thriving. This assertion is based on a deep understanding of our lineage history and our neurophysiology. Our lineage history was in small band hunter gatherer groups, the ancestral context in which humans lived and flourished for 95-99% of our lineage history (depending on whether you assert the lineage history to be 200,000 or 2 million years). The implicit goal/ role of culture in this period was to turn on and stabilize the human connection system as the neurophysiological and cultural baseline of community. Although rarely articulated explicitly, cultural activities, norms, organization, epistemology, and cosmology buttressed this realization. Maintaining connection and a ventral baseline among members as the collective field for the community was practiced and maintained by healers, ritualists, and through ceremonies, group activities, conflict resolution, and governance.

Members of these communities, therefore, while experiencing tremendous physical stress (life was very difficult) experienced almost none of the social stress (isolation, anxiety, depression) that undergirds modern life. Children had many allo-parents (second mothers, father), aunts and uncles and Elders, and what we in modernity have exalted as the nuclear family was ensphered by a context of a larger set of organizing relationships, including complex sets of social relationships with mentors, social societies, and those of community and the Living World itself.

Ancestrally villages did not form by choice. They formed by necessity. We contend that the forcing functions of the present moment, including various collapse scenarios, e.g., climate, social breakdown, and economic collapse provide the necessary forcings at this time to cause villages to emerge as a unit of greatest survival potentiality. We propose furthermore that whether you believe that the future is going to be better than the present (optimistic view) or that the future if going to be more difficult than the present (realistic view), the greatest optimization of human flourishing happens within the context of villaging. Our research, over the past three years, with 15,000 people in 50 countries has demonstrated definitively that human wellbeing correlates directly to the percentage of present time people spend in connection states.

The Autonomic Spectrum viewed color-theoretically

Since the village, as an organizing and ensphering phenomenon is designed to optimize this baseline in ventrality, the village is the collective social form most likely to actuate widespread human thriving. Therefore, whether you think things are getting better or worse, the village is still indicated as the unit of greatest likely thriving. We propose that humans who are capacitized with connection phenomenology wherewithal to catalyze villages increase their odds of both wellbeing and survival considerably.

We further propose that due to the comprehensive denaturing of humans enacted by modernity, modern humans who attempt to form villages will fail, because their psyches have been covertly and overtly colonized by ancestral modes of domination. Modern humans are deeply enmasked by domination mind, and as such approach relationality from the standpoint of transaction and advantage, and have an extremely difficult time setting this down. This is because foundation structures of the modern psyche were birthed from trauma, alienation, and dissociation, which are highly elaborated in modern people, and are the context into which modern humans have been indoctrinated by family, society, and civilization since birth. 

We propose, therefore, that in order to create villages we must dismantle these psychic structures, which are embedded in thoughtforms, language, and the body.

We further propose that in order to actualize the creation of a village, modern people are going to need to evolve. The specific nature of this evolutionary process is one that we have been documenting extensively in our work for a decade. It proceeds in recognizable stages, along the sweep of two broad arcs that function in spiral, helix-like.


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Pedagogies of the Beyond